
European Association of Geriatric Psychiatry


3 days EAGP Refresher's course 2024

26th - 28th of September 2024, in Leuven, Belgium. 


A recurrent theme throughout

the 2024 course is the connection between ageing and psychiatric disorders.


For more information click here.

Welcome to the homepage of the EAGP. The objectives of the EAGP are research promotion, pre- and post graduate education, further development of geriatric psychiatry and the cooperation with national and international bodies engaged in the field.
These aims are planned to be accomplished through:

  • organisation of congresses on geriatric psychiatry
  • encouragement of collaboration between all professions concerned with mental health in old age
  • publications in the official organ of the association, the „International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry“
  • organisation of training courses in geriatric psychiatry
  • fostering of scientific projects

 For a detailed descripition see Rules.